Katie’s Krops Grant Awarded

Final-Year Students Donate Crops to Local Food Bank

IMG_5599In December, Khalsa’s Upper Elementary final-year students applied for a gardening grant through Katie’s Krops, an organization that helps fight hunger by encouraging and facilitating young people in growing food in gardens and donating that food to people in need.

Our final-year Upper Elementary students received the honor of being awarded a grant to help them develop their gardens here at school this past year! The final-year students organized the program with the goal of getting the whole class involved so that they can maintain a donation garden for many years to come.

After a field trip to Home Depot to shop for all the needed supplies (funded by the Katie’s Krops Grant), final-year students got to work planting and tending to their crops. It was a wonderful learning experience and a project each of the final year student will remember fondly.

After months of hard work, the first harvest was a success. Earlier this week, 12778766_199987907023597_8955795833389660420_oour final-year students dropped off the first produce from the gardens to the Cultural Cup Food Bank and enjoyed giving back to our neighbors. They were able to tour the food bank and see how it works, even getting the opportunity to package some food for patrons. Our donations were warmly received and we hope to be able to continue to contribute regularly in the future.

(Visit www.katieskrops.com for more information on the program.)