Classroom Observations

Parents are very much encouraged to observe in the classroom. Please contact the elementary or primary school secretary to make an appointment starting in October.  Upon arrival at either campus, parents will sign in on the visitor log in the front office and read the Observation Guidelines, at which time the secretary will show them to the classroom.

Please observe the following guidelines when coming into the classroom to observe:

  • Please observe from a visitor chair.
    We’ve found that visitors are less distracting to the children if they are sitting down, rather than walking around or “hovering.” If you want to see a different part of the room, please feel free to move your chair there. If you have scheduled an observation in more than one classroom for the same day, let the office know when you are ready and the office staff will take you in to make introductions.
  • Please encourage the children to continue with their normal activity.
    If you want to see what the school is usually like, then it’s important to minimize the effects of your own presence! If someone stops to talk, say “hello”, then explain that you came to watch the children. If someone asks you for help, suggest that he/she ask the teacher.
  • Please stay long enough to receive a real impression.
    We feel that a half hour is about the minimum time possible for absorbing an adequate picture of Montessori classroom life; an hour is better; and all morning is best. After your observation period, the teacher may be able to take a short time to talk with you, or we can set up another time for you to meet him/her.

At the elementary campus, parents may also observe our Lower Elementary East and North classrooms from the hallway through the “one-way” windows. Turn off the hallway light; grab a chair from the office, and watch! Always use this method of observing if a child not enrolled in the class accompanies you.