Each year, as I grow wiser, I am also humbled by my experiences as the leader at Khalsa. I am ever thankful to get to know each of you, the parents, while I get to know each student. This year it was particularly poignant that after finishing a twenty four hour shift as a firefighter, an alumni parent and his native Huehuecoyotl community members joined us to give thanks through their indigenous cultural Earth blessing.

Thanksgiving is a much anticipated event at Khalsa.  Our Primary classes share a special feast with their families. The older students have a special day of Lower Elementary arts and crafts and Upper Elementary class feasts.  And at both campuses the Thanksgiving events start with a blessing ceremony led by Tupac Enrique Sr. and his indigenous community members.

The day dawned clear and cool, the sun intent on being present for this event! Former parent, Tupac Enrique Sr., was joined again by members of his community including former Khalsa parents: Maria Enrique, Tupac Enrique, Corina Enrique and Gina Reyes; Evie Aguirre, a community member; and former students Ahuitzilin Enrique, Mayanelli Reyes, and Citlalicue Flores. The entire campus came together in one large circle on the soccer field surrounding the performers. Tupac Sr. shared the wisdom of stories and traditions of the Indigenous peoples.  All the students and staff joined in the traditional dances to the sound of native drum.  The ceremony began and ended with a moving conch prayer in each direction, up to the sky and down to the earth.  For many years now we have looked forward to this yearly experience of the native traditions and thanksgiving. The school feels truly blessed by the opportunity to view and experience life from varied perspectives. As the next generation prepares to become part of society, we hope that respect for self, others, and the environment will be the beacon that guides their decisions.

The Thanksgiving blessing hosts later joined the Primary children, teachers and parents for another moving ceremony of thanksgiving, dance and music before the school’s family feast at the Coronado campus.  At Primary, one big circle surrounded Tupac on the soccer field as he started and ended again with a conch ceremony and filled the backyard with dance and ceremonial blessings. The message of harmonious and respectful existence with the Earth and its inhabitants is critical for our future generations in developing a sense of stewardship towards life.  Every year, this traditional blessing truly rejuvenates our connection to the earth and its natural resources.

After the ceremony at Primary, parents join together with their children for an annual potluck feast.  Students worked hard all week preparing for their parents’ visit: from preparing food, including the famous soups, to making Thanksgiving invitation cards and flower arrangements at all the tables. Thank you to all the parents who joined us with food for a community meal, where we could truly appreciate the close-knit community of Khalsa students, parents, and staff. The variety of food, from various cultures, certainly whets the appetite for more! At elementary, the Lower Elementary classrooms were full of busy students doing fun fall arts and crafts.  The Upper Elementary students shared food they each had prepared at home during a big classroom feast after they shared thanks for what they had. As our students headed home for another day of Thanksgiving, we at Khalsa were filled with many experiences that we will reminisce long past our days in school.