The Tale of Taiko: A Look Into Taiko Drumming at Khalsa Elementary

December 12, 2018

Recently, Khalsa was approached by a local ASU student,Kystiana Cornella, who asked to film one of our Taiko Drumming classes, taught by Ms. Eileen Morgan, as part of a Journalism project. As a member of the Phoenix education community, we saw this as a great opportunity to collaborate and assist Krystiana. In return, we have been permitted to share Krystiana’s final product, which features an interview with Ms. Eileen, and Khalsa students engaged in practicing Taiko!

Taiko means “drum” in Japanese(etymologically “great” or “wide drum”). Outside of Japan,the word is often used to refer to any of the various Japanese drums (wa-daiko inJapanese) and to the relatively recent art-form of ensemble Taiko drumming,sometimes called more specifically, “kumi-daiko”. Taiko is a unique artform that encourages physical and mental development, confidence, teamwork,cooperation and community building.

Ms. Eileen has taught music for over 30 years, working with children, adults, special needs populations as well as disadvantaged and incarcerated youth.

Source: Courtesy of Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication filmed by Krystiana Cornella