Take Advantage of the Public School Tax Credit in AZ!


Khalsa School Qualifies for the State Public School Tax Credit!

Use your PayPal account or Credit Card to make an online donation today!

Did you know?

The State Tax Credit allows you to donate up to $400/year for married couples ($200 for individuals) and reduce the amount you owe, dollar-for-dollar? Plus, you will also save money on your federal taxes when you take a deduction for your charitable contribution. Click here to read more about the tax credit on our website.


How will your donation be used?

Khalsa Montessori Public School Tax Credit dollars provide enrichment programs including Gardening, Yoga, and Spanish. These dollars also help students learn beyond the classroom, through monthly scheduled Field Trips coordinated with curriculum during the school year. School Arts are also supported; from experiences such as in-class art projects, the annual Holiday Program and workshops hosted by artists and authors! And finally, your donation aids those families who financially qualify for a discount on Activity Fees. Your generosity provides so much more than words can describe!


Thank you for enriching the lives of each one of our students! 

You and other family members can also support the school in other ways that do not qualify for the Public School Tax Credit, but are still Tax Deductible on your itemized tax returns: