Elementary (Grades 1-6)

The Lower & Upper Elementary Programs

Our Charter (tuition-free) Elementary Program builds on the earlier Montessori experience and further develops good working habits, independence, self-assurance and the ability to concentrate. The elementary years are filled with rich experiences in math, language, science (botany to geography), art, music, history and sociology. The Montessori materials bring alive these areas while helping the child bridge the steps from concrete understanding to more abstract reasoning. Problem solving and critical thinking skills are further developed in all areas of the classroom and students are given a sense of connection and unity with their environment, the world and the universe.

Khalsa Montessori School offers multi-aged classrooms with two three-year Elementary cycles. Our Lower Elementary program is equivalent to 1st through 3rd grades and our Upper Elementary program is equivalent to 4th through 6th grades. The Kindergarten program is part of our three-year (3-6yr old) Primary classrooms, and is offered at our Primary campus. An effective Montessori experience depends on the increased possibilities for self-paced learning in a classroom with a range of ages and stages of development.

Khalsa Montessori School believes that students within these programs should be placed individually according to ability and readiness rather than chronological age. Exact numbers of students at each grade level may vary but the school strives for a balance of ages in each classroom. The capacity of each classroom is from 20-30 students, with one Lead teacher and one or two Assistant teachers.

Classes and/or activities in Music, Physical education, Spanish, and Yoga ae offered in the weekly curriculum. Extra-curricular classes vary each year, but can include: Art, Chess, Karate, Soccer, and Taiko. These programs are taught by professionals who are experts in their fields, while also being excellent teachers of young children.

Field trips are an integral part of our Montessori curriculum. Monthly field trips include visits to anthropological sites, science and activity museums, animal parks, desert parks, local area farms, and local businesses. Yearly class trips have included a wide variety of educational and natural sites in Arizona and the Southwest. Khalsa’s location allows for visits to the Phoenix Public Library, Monterey Park, and downtown museums and cultural events. Field trip locations out of the valley include trips to the Tucson Desert Sonoran Museum, the Boyce Thompson Arboretum, Out of Africa, the Verde Valley Railway, and an overnight ropes course in Prescott. There are fees to participate on field trips.

Elementary Extended Care

Extended Care and Vacation Care are available to all Elementary students. Families have the option to sign up for either Extended Care, Vacation Care or both during School Year Registration in July.

The program is operated in accordance with the Department of Health Services guidelines and is annually inspected to maintain compliance. The staff is CPR and First Aid certified and undergoes annual training mandated by AZDHS. All staff employed in the Extended Care program will maintain a valid IVP Level 1 Fingerprint Clearance Card (FCC).

Our School Year Calendar includes the dates covered by our Vacation Care program. For more information and pricing, please consult our Charter (K-6) Tuition & Fees page.

Summer Program

Khalsa Montessori School offers a Summer program, which runs for 8 weeks. There are 4 Summer Sessions that run for 2 weeks at a time. Summer Registration typically begins at the end of February/beginning of March. Khalsa Montessori School also offers a Lower Elementary Orientation program, as well as, an Introduction to Upper Elementary program, which runs concurrent to the Elementary Summer program. The Lower Elementary Orientation & Intro to Upper Elementary programs are offered during the last Summer Session (Session 4).

The Khalsa Montessori Summer program offers current and/or incoming Lower Elementary students an opportunity to explore a variety of new experiences in a safe and supportive environment. The first 3 sessions have a different format than the 4th session. Each of the first three sessions will have fun activities, as well as, specialized group classes.

The Lower Elementary Orientation program is for students who are new to Lower Elementary, as well as, New to Khalsa Lower Elementary students. This program gives these students an opportunity to experience the Lower Elementary Montessori classroom with their Lower Elementary teacher while becoming familiar with classroom procedures. This session is designed to assist students in learning the routines and procedures in their new classroom. This is also an excellent time for students to continue practicing independence and decision making while using concrete materials to build upon conceptual understanding in all areas of the curriculum.

The Introduction to Upper Elementary program gives incoming students an opportunity to acclimate to their new surroundings, new expectations, and new classroom and materials. Students will have a chance to use their Lower Elementary skills – sentence writing, work with grammar, knowledge of math facts – as they receive new lessons and practice skills that will be crucial during their time in Upper Elementary.